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Self Care For Lightworkers

3 month coaching package with Sahara Bridges


By the end of this you will have learned self care practices specific to lightworkers, gained more energy for you and your clients and established a routine that works easily into your schedule.

Does this sound like you?

You feel like you have been giving a lot of energy without necessarily making time to replenish it. Burnout happens on a consistent cycle for you because you are empathic by nature. The other tasks of owning a business (managing social media, clients, emails etc.) take up a lot of your mental capacity and leave you feeling tired during or after sessions with clients. Self care is something you practice only once in a while or 1-2 days and then it disappears until the next time you feel depleated?

I totally get it

I used to try to power through burnout like it was an accomplishment until I realized that it just wasn't ok anymore.


When I was in school for acting I had incredibly long days and countless nights of not leaving campus until midnight. The instructors encouraged us to eat well, get enough sleep, have our homework done and take care of ourselves. With a full day of classes and then performances and rehearsals at night it was a struggle to manage all of these things and it felt like it was unattainable to have them all meshing together. 


I got tired of seeing the unwell faces of my colleagues and set out to find something to help. It worked out for the time being because I learned how to integrate self care into a tight schedule.


This form of self care in a busy schedule sustained me for about a year. In the second year of my three year diploma, I got a concussion. This head injury prevented me from attending from most of my classes and it was suggested that I withdraw from my program. I was devastated. Having to give up on my acting career triggered high levels of depression, anxiety, OCD, and disordered eating.


For the months following I tried to maintain a regular life through working however, things were falling apart. Everything in "my" world, no longer felt like it was mine.  Physically, I was the smallest I have ever been, paler than usual, and my hair was falling out. Mentally, I felt a disconnect and I didn't recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. 


After seeing my doctor and therapist multiple times a week, they both encouraged me to move home to my parents house. When I arrived, I stayed in my bedroom for the majority of the time feeling completely lost and ashamed. 


Several months passed until my best friend came to see me and told me about a Reiki Master she had been seeing. She booked me in with her immediately and within a few sessions, I was feeling more like myself again. This was when I realized the power of energy healing.


Continuing to see this healer, she informed me that I too had the ability to help other people in the same way she had helped me. I spent all of my time taking care of myself, getting healthy and learning as much as I could about this incredible modality.


I finally started seeing clients and felt full of joy. Something that really held me back in the beginning was self care that is specific to healers. I would see people whenever they wanted, do events and agree to everything. I was tired, drained and found that at the end of the day, I needed to go to the next level of taking care of myself.


Now, I have energy for my clients and the events I attend/ facilitate, I don't skip out on my self care and feel more in alignment with healing. I want to help you feel this too! 




Why I'm The Right Teacher For You

Continuously mentored by other healers

Experienced Energy Healer

Womens circle facilitator

By the end of this package you will have...

  • Learned the 2 categories of self care and why they matter for a healthy healer


  • Established a routine that works WITH your schedule not against it so that you can put your energy into your big goals without feeling stressed


  •  More energy for clients in general and not feel like you need a 4 year nap after a day of work


  • Created a sustainable self care situation that goes beyond just a bubble bath here and there, because baths are great but we know there's more to it than that ;)


  • Discovered self love and self care going hand in hand and actually practice it for yourself


  • Gone deeper into your own healing, we are all students and teachers, healers and the healing

How it Works

Initial consult form: Before we get into all the juicy stuff, I will send you some questions to explore and answer. That way we can get more out of our time together!

Bi-weekly calls: We will meet for one hour every second week during our 3 month period of time. I want to help you every step of the way! Each call I will have a new focus for us to work on and help you reach your goals. I'll be giving you a personalized plan or recommendation for you to implement that will keep you feeling supported. Our calls will take place via Skype or Zoom.

Recommendation lists: Recommendation lists are part homework and part implementation guidelines. We can go ahead and talk about all the stuff you want to do but at the end of the day it's up to you to integrate it with your life. I find that going one piece at a time is helpful and can bring new perspective.

Email support: If you have questions in between sessions or run into a problem I want to be there for you.



Self Care For Lightworkers



Can't I just buy a self care book and call it a day? While I'm all for reading to supplement anyone's journey I think it's important to be honest too. If you had the right book, if you had the energy and self care down then you probably wouldn't be here on this page. If you had the answers you wouldn't be searching for that "something more" because, well, you'd already have them. This one on one package is here to take it a step further. I take away the stress and overwhelm of research and trying a bunch of things at once and tailor the package to your specific needs. I give you real tools and recommendations that have been tested by myself and others in order to give you the results you have been looking for. Plus, having someone who "gets" you is important because I believe that healers require more than just some baths from time to time. I love what I do and I want you to feel just as energized and cared for!

How soon will I see results? I do everything I can to make sure that you are getting exactly what you need from our time together. Timelines look different for everyone so each client will have their own definition of this. Of course if you want to see changes, you have to be willing to change. The more you absorb and commit to during our time, the better. It's my job to support you in your journey with self care and self love so of course I will give ya the energy and time you deserve. I'm here to help you feel good and confident!

Can I get a refund? All services are non-refundable because I want you to be totally and completely committed to your process. Please read the Terms and Conditions to learn more.

Schedule Your Free Call!

Self Care For Lightworkers


Perfect for Lightworkers who feel like they need time to replenish but don't know how to find the balance

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