Hello sweet people,
winter is still lingering here in Calgary, the snow comes one day and then sun the next. It's all over the place!! This is not too surprising for me but it doesn't mean I am adjusting to it. Anyways, The winter serves as a wonderful time to really dig deep and work on what is going on internally. Whether that means your body, mental health, things within the family, any of that stuff. It is a great season to look at what is going on and work really hard on those internal affairs. For myself, I go into introspection hardcore. I find it much easier to do this because it's so dang cold that I stay in and actually have time to sort out my thoughts. But Sahara, it's technically spring now! Why are we talking about winter?! Well my lovely, I am talking about this because it is that transitional phase before spring is full on. The transition is where we recollect all the stuff we have been working towards, give it our stamp of approval and say " I am ready for this fresh start".
As I get ready to shake the last bits of winter (and snow), I am going to be setting some more intentions for this period of time, in the same way that I made the ones for 2018. I thought it would be cool to leave some suggestions and thoughts on here for you all to check out in case you want to give it a go as well!

What do you want to bring in this season?
Is is finding more time to be outside? Maybe you want to commit to a new movement practice? Whatever it is, take your time and know that you can manifest all that you want.
Are there any people that no longer serve you?
Your closet isn't the only thing that needs spring cleaning! Your friends list and relationships are a good place to look at as well! There is no reason you need to keep someone around if they make you feel drained or negative. It is in your best interest and sometimes, even theirs! Let em go.
Speaking of spring cleaning, are you going to get on that?
Yea I know it sounds like work but it also feels sooooo good!
What are you going to do for YOURSELF?
There are so many beautiful things we can do to love ourselves! I want to visit farmers markets and buy myself flowers as much as I can.
What are the things you worked on this winter and are hoping to see progress in?
It's ok if you fell off your New Years resolution/intentions there is always a new day to start. What projects are you saying "heck yes" to?
And that is all for today! I am so excited to connect with these thoughts and get ready to grow more!
Got your intentions figured out? Show me on Instagram!
Have a wonderful Thursday and remember you are a total boss and whatever you want, you will have, just keep putting those thoughts out there!!!
Love and Light,