Calming Anxiety Naturally
Hi lovely, I have been working on my anxiety naturally since I found out about it and I am always trying out new things to help. Through...

Ground Yourself and Reconnect
Good morning! I've been having to work at grounding myself more than usual today and I thought it would be good to post some tips so you...

Self Care as a Performing Art Student (or any student really)
Hello my loves, Being a student is hard as eff! The combination of research essays, reading a million plays and long ass days can become...

Fearless Friday: Acknowledging Freedom
Happy Friday! Although I feel like we place weird connotations on specific days of the typical work week I am still going to celebrate...

Where I Have Been
Hello loves, Alright, as I mentioned in the first post I have been putting off a lot of projects over the years for whatever reason. As...

The First Blog Post on Sunspot
Hello people! This post has been a long time coming. For the last couple of years I have debated back and forth with myself and a couple...

Most Loved
I didn't really understand the purpose of "fab find" or "top ten" lists until I started following people that I actually care about on...