Why I'm a "Flaky" Friend And Learning to be ok With it!
Hey loves, I'm gonna level with you, at first glance I am what one would call a "flaky" friend. The thing is, it's not like I ditch my...
Fitness For Fun
Hi there, trust me when I say the title of this post is not a joke, ok? Let me explain, I have found that most of the time I have two...
How I Worked With My Anxiety this week (and why this post is late!)
Hi there, I am soooo glad you came back because this one is a goodie. Some very exciting things have been happening over here at the...
How I am Working to Change my Unhealthy Sleep Patterns
Hi everyone, Some people love sleep. If they didn't have to get up for work they could probably sleep in until noon easily. One of my...
How Comparing Ourselves Affects Our Health
Hi my beautiful Sunspots, This is me: buuuuut this is also me: I want to take the time to talk about comparisons in our world today. We...