The Stem, a Budding Flowers' Best Friend (The Journey Home to Myself)
Hi there friend, I have this thing with plant life, can you tell? I reference nature a lot here on the blog mostly because it carries the...

What it's Like to Have an "Invisible" Health Problem/Concern/Illness
Hi beautiful humans! What a wonderful week it has been! Tuesday was a lovely first day of spring and this week has also marked the start...

I Wrote Love Letters to Myself For a Month: Here is What Happened and Why
Hello friends, I think getting handwritten letters is one of the greatest gifts to receive! Am I wrong? It's an incredible feeling of...

Common Phrases Said to People With Mental Illness(es) and why They Could be Hurtful
Good morning Sunspots, Has someone ever said something to you that makes you feel self conscious, belittled, or ashamed? I think everyone...

All About Meditation: What it is, How to, And my Practice
Good morning! Something that has become essential in my daily routine is meditation. It has calmed me at my most anxious times and given...

Why I'm a "Flaky" Friend And Learning to be ok With it!
Hey loves, I'm gonna level with you, at first glance I am what one would call a "flaky" friend. The thing is, it's not like I ditch my...

How I am Working to Change my Unhealthy Sleep Patterns
Hi everyone, Some people love sleep. If they didn't have to get up for work they could probably sleep in until noon easily. One of my...

How Comparing Ourselves Affects Our Health
Hi my beautiful Sunspots, This is me: buuuuut this is also me: I want to take the time to talk about comparisons in our world today. We...

The One Thing That Can Boost Your Mood(and it's totally free)
Hi there! People in our modern society are commonly intrigued by free things. We have this weird attachment to money and the value we...

Understanding That Falling And Failing Are Two Different Words
Hey Friends, There is really no use in lying here at Sunspot and I want to be as honest as possible with you. My journey has been on a...